Monday, December 28, 2009
Do you know the best time to develop a “genius”? “Genius” refers to highly intelligent and well developed brain functions, which can be created within you and your children!! The best time is during pregnancy and childhood. Up to 70% of your baby’s brain cells are formed before birth and it will increase 3-5 times during final trimester. Brain development triples after birth and brain weight grows rapidly; learning process takes place and brain absorbs everything like a sponge in water! When our age increases, brain weight will start to decrease slowly.
Why Do We Need Omega-3 fatty acid (DHA & EPA)?
The basic building block for brain is fatty acid. Our brain is made up of 60% of fat, 15-30% of which is DHA. Baby’s brain cells are composed mainly of DHA and the growth of brain weight increases the demand for DHA. DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) is an omega-3 essential fatty acid that we need throughout our life. Insufficient intake of omega-3 will cause a lot of problem related to brain function, central nervous system and degenerative diseases.
Omega-3 cannot be constructed within human body, therefore must be obtained from the diet. Fish, in particular SMASH –Salmon, Mackerel, Anchovies, Sardine and Herring have been the most direct source of dietary omega-3 fatty acids.
Easy Pha-max natural FISH OIL CHEWABLE comes in handy !
* RICH in omega-3, with high content of DHA
* Essential for mothers-to-be, pregnant women, lactating mothers, kids (above 3 years) and adults.
* Made from HIGHLY PURIFIED FISH POWDER; safe to be consumed without side effect.
* More stable – oil form fish oil is less stable and goes rancid more rapidly compared to powder form.
* Pleasant orange flavor for kids and adults.
* Biotechnology formulated for faster absorption.
Intelligent Kids Start With Easy Pha-max Fish Oil Chewable !
* Promotes healthy brain development in babies
* Improves learning, memory, eye-vision and behavior in kids.
* Helps in childhood asthma and accelerates immune system maturation in babies
* Prevents reduction of brain weight in adults, pregnant women and lactating mothers.
* Combats brain degenerative disorders such Alzheimer's disease, dementia and central nervous system diseases in adults.
Key Ingredient:
Fish oil powder
Recommended use:
2 tablets each time, twice a day
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